photo of staff members proudly holding their certificates for perfect attendance

On Tuesday, June 18, Worcester Public Schools (WPS) proudly recognized the dedication and commitment of more than 200 employees who have achieved perfect attendance during the 2023-24 school year. 

WPS encourages staff to take their sick and vacation time to ensure their health and well-being. But we would be remiss if we did not recognize the remarkable example that our staff have set for our scholars and community.

Recognizing the significance of regular attendance in fostering a positive learning environment and maintaining educational continuity, employees with perfect attendance have demonstrated unwavering reliability and dedication. Their consistent presence has been instrumental in supporting our students and advancing the overall mission of our schools.

Congratulations once again to all the staff members who achieved perfect attendance. Your dedication and reliability are deeply appreciated and valued by everyone in the Worcester Public Schools community. Thank you for your outstanding contributions and commitment.

Here is the complete list of employees that received perfect attendance certificates for the academic school year 2023-24.