School picture of goddard

Goddard School Of Science & TechnologyElementary Schools
School Hours: 8:15 AM - 2:20 PM

Principal: Dr. Karrie Allen
Assistant Principal: Kara Scichilone

Phone: 508-799-3594
Fax: 508-799-8258
Staff Directory

Goddard School of Science & Technology is part of the South Quadrant.
It is supervised by Executive Director Dr. Shannon Conley.

Instructional Focus

All students will read, comprehend and respond thoughtfully (orally and in writing) through a set of school-wide best teaching practices as measured by performance based and common grade level assessments, Fountas & Pinnell BAS, ACCESS and other state determined standardized measures.

View School Growth Plan Snapshot - Goddard School of Science and Technology for more details about our school.