Announcement of Worcester Public Schools Class of 2025 high school graduation dates
A blue dragon mascot welcomes WPS graduates to Quinsigamond Community College, with the text 'Your next chapter begins here.'
Five students standing in front of a car in a garage
A group of staff members pose for a photo in a gymnasium, proudly holding a banner that reads 'GROW the GAME GRANT AWARDEE Worcester Public Schools.
Four coworkers in the Nutrition Department
A graphic that says "Second Quarter Honor Roll"
Bill Murphy with his family at the conclusion of The Great World Race in Miami, Florida.
A music teacher conducting a student choir on stage
A large group of WPS staff in safety vests during a recent safety training session.
Sixth grade students from Francis J. McGrath alongside their teacher, Mrs. Stephanie Trainor.
Register for school!
WPS Core Values Survey Imagine
A student working on an electrical panel