Woodland Academy | Elementary Schools
School Hours: 7:55 AM - 2:00 PM

Principal: Patricia E. Padilla
Assistant Principal: Yaribel Campos
Assistant Principal: Sherilynne Parretti

Phone: 508-799-3557
Fax: 508-799-8137
Staff Directory

Woodland Academy is part of the South Quadrant.
It is supervised by Executive Director Dr. Shannon Conley.

Instructional Focus

Woodland Academy’s school-wide commitment is to ensure that all students show measurable growth in their ability to: read grade level text with understanding, explain their thinking in writing across all curriculum areas. This will be achieved through the implementation of a common set of standards based teaching practices and measured by formative and summative assessments such as rubric-scored responses, BAS, MAP, ACCESS and MCAS.

View School Growth Plan Snapshot - Woodland Academy for more details about our school.