Worcester East Middle School Band Information 2023-24

Band Overview

Band class is one of the amazing opportunities students have at Worcester East Middle School. During the class, students will learn how to play their instruments and begin playing music as a whole group. Band is a year-long class that meets every day and has performances throughout the year.

If your student is interested in band class, please email Mr. Hubbard, band teacher at WEMS, as well as your student's current guidance counselor in order to get them enrolled into band class.


Band is a year-long class that takes place in Room B6 with Mr. Hubbard. During the class, students will learn to play their instruments. The typical band instruments are flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone and percussion. Once the students have their instruments they will begin learning how to play music.

Performances throughout the year are mandatory, count as part of the class grade, and often occur after school.


Instruments are essential for band class! Every student is expected to choose and play an instrument every day in band class.

Students can bring their own instruments or rent one from the music stores in the area. Accepted instruments are the flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone and percussion.

WEMS has a limited number of school instruments available. If your student requires a school instrument, please email Mr. Hubbard as school instruments are first come, first serve.

Instrument Rentals

Below are suggestions for students looking to rent their instruments locally.

Rental Provider



Union Music

Call Union Music

142 Southbridge Street, Worcester

E.L. Music

Call E.L. Music

332 W. Bolyston Street, Worcester

Guitar Center

Call Guitar Center

Turnpike #410, Milbury