Special Education
Skills & Areas of Study
Eligible Students
The Vocational Opportunities and Career Pathways Program (VOC P) at Worcester Technical High School is designed for student with special needs who:
Have been found eligible for special education services due to an intellectual disability and / or Autism Spectrum as their primary disability.
Are determined by a Team to be in need of a substantially separate program and whose IEP can be implemented in the VOC P Program.
Participate in the MCAS Alternate Assessment.
Can benefit from a program that is directly related to the preparation of students for career opportunities.
Can safely and with decreasing supports, access an appropriate supported career based program that is offered at the Worcester Technical High School.
Have needs an career goals that can be met through the Vocational Opportunities and Careers Pathways Program.
Students will follow the policies and procedures outlined in the Worcester Public Schools Student Handbook as well as the supplemental handbook provided by Worcester Technical High School.
Application Directions
Complete all of the information in the documents below by printing or typing in the spaces provided. Have the application signed by the student, parent, and the Special Education director or designee. Return the completed application to your school’s Evaluation Team Chairperson.
Application Document
Student Check list

Juliette Cox, Paraeducator

Sandra Crompton, Paraprofessional

Susan Purcell, Paraeducator

Kathleen Lucey, Paraeducator
Ira Caplan, Paraprofessional

Jessica Brennan, Paraeducator

Griffin Moore, Paraprofessional

Caroline Bigelow, Paraeducator
Dario Yacavace, Teacher

Corrin Rapoza, Teacher

Shahin Allahverdi, Voc-P Teacher

Melissa Ayantola, Voc-P Teacher

Kate Brichkova, Voc-P Teacher

Steve Scobie, Teacher

Jennifer Cervini, Paraeducator
Lesley Mahoney, Teacher