
The rear exterior of the future Doherty Memorial High School Building as seen on August 10, 2023.

Take a sneak peek inside the new Doherty Memorial High School building!

On Thursday, August 10, 2023, administrators from the Worcester Public Schools and members of the Worcester School Committee were given a tour of the new building, which remains under construction. The new facility is located next to the current Doherty building on Highland Street. The new building is expected to open in the fall of 2024.

LPA Architects provided an augmented reality look at Doherty’s future gym, cafeteria, media center, and theater.

Additionally, videographer Josh Wingell shot drone video inside and outside the new building with permission from LPA and Fontaine Bros. Construction.

School and building project officials pose for a photo

Worcester Public Schools administrators and members of the Worcester School Committee pose for a photo with building project officials from LPA Architecture at the future Doherty Memorial High School building on August 10, 2023.

A view of the cafeteria under construction

An augmented reality view of the future cafeteria

A view of the courtyard under construction

A view of the entrance under construction

A view of the gym under construction

An augmented reality look at the future gym

A view of the parking garage under construction

A view of the media center under construction

An augmented reality view of the future media centerA view of the theater under construction

An augmented reality view of the future theater