Daily Announcements

Starting today  every 10 tardies will result in an office detention. If you have any questions regarding this policy, see your assistant principal.

The Robotics Club will meet every Tues & Thurs in Room E-070 with Mr. Pineo right after the bell. We are starting this Thursday 10/31 and we typically stay about an hour (or less, if you'd like). Anyone who has interest should show up and see if they'd like to do it - no obligations. All are welcome - no experience necessary.

Any boys interested in trying out for high school hockey must attend a mandatory meeting on Thursday, November 7th, at 3:30 PM at the Foley Stadium Athletic Office located at 305 Chandler Street in Worcester, MA.

Seniors - counselors will be available during lunch this week on November 6, 7, and 8 to help students create their FSA IDs. This ID registers you to complete the FAFSA in December. Students will need to know their social security number to complete this important step in the financial aid process. Be sure to stop by the counselor tables to register to complete the FAFSA.

Tech Time with Tony will be in the media center during lunches the first and 3rd Tuesday of each month for any quick Chromebook repairs.  Any student needing a keyboard key replaced, a cracked screen, or a missing magnetic strip to bring their Chromebooks to the media center.