If you have moved into the South High district and need to enroll please do the following:
Visit the WPS Enrollment page for details.
If your first language is not English, you need to go to the Parent Information Center at 768 Main Street, Worcester.
Call Christine Mahan at 508-799-3325 to schedule an appointment for enrollment. You can also email Christine Mahan to schedule an appointment.
Be sure that you have the following documents with you on the date of your appointment.
Enrollment Checklist - Grade 9 - Grade 12
Home Language Survey (to be completed at South High prior to appointment)
Enrollment Form (will be completed at South High prior to appointment)
Child’s Immunization (Shot) Record
Residency Verification (one of the following): Utility bill, cable bill, Lease Agreement, Purchase and Sales, Telephone (not cell phone)
Proof of Legal Guardianship, if you are the guardian
Unofficial Transcript and Grades at the time of withdrawal (We are unable to create a schedule for your child without these).
Attendance and Discipline Records
Special Education - Individual Education Plan (if applicable)
504 Plan (if applicable)