Gr. 10 - Sophomores

Make sure you are in the Grade 10 - SHCS School Counseling Google Classroom so you don't miss out on important updates and opportunities! 

Here is the class code to join: wdyvjp3

Grade 10 students are able to enroll in the Early College High School Program at Quinsigamond Community College and Worcester State University to earn college credits.  Please let your school counselor know if you are interested in taking one of these classes.  

What is Early College?

The Early College Worcester Program (ECW) is a secondary/post-secondary partnership involving Worcester Public Schools (WPS), Quinsigamond Community College (QCC), and Worcester State University (WSU).

This program enables high school students to participate in college and career readiness activities and college credit course offerings. The activities and courses are offered at the high school or on the QCC or WSU campuses. Students earn college and high school credits at the same time and can graduate from high school with a high school diploma and at least 12 college credits.

The goals of the ECW program are to increase the percentage of students who are college ready, receive a high school diploma, enroll in college in the fall, and persist in college.


Naviance is a web-based tool that has many features for post high school planning. Students can use Naviance to search careers, colleges, and take career interest inventories, to find careers and college majors that fit their personality!  Students can access Naviance through Clever. 

Matching interests, passions, and activities to careers:

  • Go to Naviance via Student Portal/Clever

  • Click Self-Discovery to take Assessments

  • Try starting with Career Cluster Finder or AchieveWorks Skills to identify your interests and discover career clusters that contain careers that might interest you or to identify and develop your skills!