Make sure you are in the Grade 11 - SHCS School Counseling Google Classroom, so you don't miss out on important updates and opportunities! 

Here is the Class Code to join: l7q2dgo

South High School's CEEB Code is: 222535

Hello Juniors,

All of your years in high school are important, but junior year is the last full year of school that colleges will see before making an admissions decision. Even if  you do not plan on attending college, setting goals for yourself for this year and beyond will be important! 

  • Set Goals: Where do you want to be in 5 years? 10 years? 

  •  Consider different pathways and which one is right for you.

  • Take advantage of career and personality assessments that your school counselor can offer or that are available online. 

Important Dates:

Take a look at the College Planning Guide below! 

Visit your School Counselor frequently!  Please reach out to your counselor with any questions!


Naviance is a web-based tool that has many features for post high school planning. Students can use Naviance to search careers, colleges, and take career interest inventories, to find careers and college majors that fit their personality!  Students can access Naviance through Clever. 

Matching interests, passions, and activities to careers:

  • Go to Naviance via Student Portal/Clever

  • Click Self-Discovery to take Assessments

  • Try starting with the Career Interest Profiler or the Achieve Works Personality  to  capture your interests to help identify your personality traits and suggested careers!