School Counseling Master Calendar
Dates Subject to Change Year to Year
Table of Contents
Ongoing Counseling Activities
Individual Advising, Academic, Attendance, Behavior Student Meetings
Attend IEP/504/Attendance/SSP Meetings
Attend Guidance (and other related) Meetings
New Student Enrollments
Scheduling and Attending Parent Meetings
Schedule Adjustments and Revisions
Quarterly Grade Monitoring
Credit Monitoring (Graduation Progress for Seniors)
Transcript Review
Testing and test scores
Four year plan for all students
Scholarship recruitment and applications and letters of recommendation
Ongoing consultation with teachers, admin, SAC, SPED, nurses and Home and Hospital Department
Work Permits
Early College
Panorama Documentation and Updates for Intervention Plans (academic and attendance)
Career Readiness
Grade Level Seminars
Recommendation letters, college and career counseling
Student advocacy, employers and college admissions
Ongoing consult with Department of Child and Family (DCF) and Juvenile Probation Officers
Consult/Collaboration with outside agencies
Ongoing consultation and collaboration with SAC
Tier 2 and Tier 3 Interventions
Student Scheduling - adjustments/conflicts/summer school and Dual Enrollment adjustments
Student Transcript Review
Registering new students
Update School Counseling Website Information
Gr. 9 Jump start/Orientation
SAT Fee Waivers (Gr.12)
Collaboration with QCC for Early College scheduling
Grade 12 College Planning Workshops/Senior Seminars
Classroom meetings
Begin Individual Gr. 12 meetings
Grade 9 Classroom School Counseling Workshops/Seminars
Transition to High School/Counselor Introductions
College Fair/College Rep Visits
QuestBridge Recommendations
Transcript review, arrange buyback and credit recovery as needed
Schedule changes/adjustments
Attend Professional Development Opportunities (Naviance, College Board, MEFA, Uspire)
Outreach to students for nonattendance
Recruitment of Colleges for MCAC Day
Student Transcript Review (again)
Grade 11 Postsecondary Advising/Planning Seminars (*needs to be done prior to PSAT)
College Fair/College Rep Visits
Ongoing senior postsecondary meetings
Ongoing individual freshman meetings
Grades 9 - 11 PSAT School Day
Know Your School Night
Attend H.A.C.E. Awards Ceremony
Early Action/Decision applications
Writing letter of recommendation for EA/ED deadlines
Upward Bound/AID Worcester State Meeting
Recruitment of Colleges for MCAC Day
Ongoing individual Grade 12 meetings
Ongoing individual meetings with Gr. 9 students
Begin individual Grade 10 meetings
Early Action/Decision applications
Grade 12 Letters to Parents:at risk/failures
Writing letters of recommendations for college applications
Individual meetings with students at risk and failing classes (all grades)
Recruitment of seniors for MCAC (Massachusetts College Application Celebration Day)
Quarter 1 Progress Check (all grades)
Proctor MCAS
Student Transcript Review (again)
Grade 10 Seminars (Career Exploration/PSAT scores)
Writing letters of recommendation for college applications
MCAC (Massachusetts College Application Celebration) Day
Individual meetings with students at risk and failing classes (all grades)
Distribute PSAT results and link to Khan Academy for Grades 9-11
Upward Bound Info Sessions/Recommendations
Set up Worcester State AID Interviews
Attend Goddard Scholar Academy Open House
Coordinate the John & Abigail Adams Scholarship Breakfast for Gr. 12 scholarship recipients and their families
Coordinate Early College Information Sessions with QCC
Regular Decision Applications (Gr.12)
Grade 11 College Planning Seminars
Classroom Meetings
Begin individual Grade 11 Meetings
Grade 12 Letters to Parents: At-risk/Failures
Senior Failure Meetings
Alt Placement Referrals
MIT - MOSTEC Letters of Recommendation
Recruit for FAFSA College Goal Sunday
Complete Mid Year Reports in Naviance and send out mid year transcripts
Quarter 2 Progress Monitoring and Meetings (all grades)
Grade 10 Career Exploration/Planning Seminars continued
Scheduling Planning Meeting for Course selection
Ongoing Grade 11 individual meetings
Grades 8, 9,10, 11 Course Selections/Post secondary Planning Individual Meetings and Classroom Seminars
MIT - MOSTEC Letters of Recommendation
Mass Academy (WPI) Recommendations
Ch. 74 Middle Schools Visits and Recruitment
Ongoing Individual Course Selection/College & Career Planning
Grade 11 Postsecondary Presentations for College Wave 1
Attend AP Night
Mass Academy (WPI) Recommendations
Planning for Career Fair for Juniors and Seniors
Recruitment for Early College courses
Ch.74 Open House
Ongoing Individual Course Selection/College & Career Planning
Junior Book Award Nominations
H.A.C.E. Award Nominations
Grade 11 SAT School Day
Ongoing individual Grade 11 Career/College Planning Meetings
Quarter 3 Progress Monitoring and Meetings (all grades)
Grade 12 Letters to Parents: At-Risk/Failures
Career Fair for Juniors and Seniors
Recruitment for Early College courses
Alt Placement Referral Meeting
Graduation Rehearsal
Senior Events
Proctor AP Testing
Calculate High Honors/Honors
Identify seniors eligible for AP cords and community service for Graduation
Resolving Scheduling Conflicts for the upcoming school year
Summer Internships/Program Recruitments
Send certified letters to students not graduating
College Essay Writing Workshop for Juniors
Enter post grad plans for seniors
Attend and help coordinate Graduation
Summer School conferences and notices
Monitor failures and make changes to course selections, if needed
Summer Internships/Program Recruitments
Send out final transcripts for seniors and complete Common App Final Report in Naviance
Enroll new students
Respond to student emails and student schedule changes