Building Use Policies and Procedures

A license to utilize school buildings, fields and portions thereof may be granted to both public and private organizations, provided the organizations receive prior approval in accordance with the policies and procedures of the School Committee as set forth herein.

I. Request For Building Use

All requests for use of a school building or field or portions thereof shall be submitted at least three (3) weeks in advance to Facilities Management. All requests shall be submitted via OperationsHERO or in writing, shall describe the intended use to be made of the school premises and shall list the maximum number of persons the organization seeks to accommodate on school premises. In no event shall the size of the group to be accommodated exceed the capacity specified in the certificate of occupancy. The request shall also list the name, address, and telephone number of the person or persons responsible for the activity.

II. Approval of Building Use

Each and every request for a license will be judged on its individual merits and on the availability of the facilities requested. Each proposed event must comply with the conditions of use herein listed. If approval is granted, a building use permit will be issued by Facilities Management to convey approval of the request.

III. Conditions of Use

  1. No building permit shall be issued until after the applicant provides, on a form satisfactory to Facilities Management, proof of body injury property damage insurance listing the City of Worcester as an additional named insured in the amounts of $100,000 per person, $1,000,000 per occurrence. Notwithstanding such a requirement, the City of Worcester shall not be required to obtain such insurance when it requests the use of space in a school building.

  2. Neither the School Committee nor the City of Worcester makes any representation as to the conditions of the building or the equipment contained therein or as to the fitness of the building and equipment for a particular purpose.

  3. The holder of the permit agrees to accept responsibility and liability for all damage to the building and its contents.

  4. Both the school building principal or his designee and the sponsor of the program must be present throughout the time the school premises is being utilized.

  5. The sponsor must be present throughout the entire evening, unless previous written notice has been furnished to the School Committee's designated agent indicating that a co-sponsor will be present. The sponsor is responsible for the decorum of the group and spectators utilizing the school premises.

  6. The holder of the permit shall immediately, upon entering the building, contact the Principal or his/her designee and present the permit issued by the Facilities Management Office.

  7. Police protection shall be furnished by all organizations using the building when required by the school administration. The cost of the officers shall be paid by the using organization. The number and type of police required will be agreed upon by the using organization per the recommendations and requirements of the Police Department.

  8. Spectators shall not be permitted to enter the building unless their presence was described and approved on the original request for use.

  9. School buildings shall not be used by outside organizations when school is in session except in buildings where space is specifically designated for such purpose.

  10. No apparatus using electricity shall be connected to the electrical system of the building unless inspected and approved by Facilities Management.

  11. All decorations, furniture, rubbish, and all other materials used in said entertainment (other than City property) shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after the final performance. All decorations must be fire-resistant. The use of open flames and pyrotechnics is prohibited in all school facilities.

  12. Classrooms shall not be used nor shall any equipment which does not belong to the organization holding the permit be used unless permission is specifically requested and approved.

  13. The using organization shall not place or offer to place any nails tacks, screws, or other fastenings in any part of the building.

  14. If custodian service is required to support the approved use due to the nature or the time of this use, then a charge for the direct cost of this service will be added to the license fee. The custodian(s) will be present and available to the user at all times during the activity.

  15. Use of shower rooms will require appropriate custodian service. Sneakers must be worn on the gymnasium floor when this room is used for athletic competition and games.

  16. No refreshments of any kind are to be served in the auditorium or gymnasium. All food must be served from the kitchen and is to be eaten in the cafeteria.

  17. When the cafeteria is used by an outside organization, a cafeteria worker must be present during all of the time that the kitchen is being used. The fee for the work will be added to the license fee.

  18. The using organization shall not permit any intoxicating liquors or other controlled substances to be in or upon the premises.

  19. The using organization shall not advertise the entertainment by means of posters or placards of any offensive nature.

  20. The using organizations shall not permit obstruction of any nature in, or permit any persons by standing therein to obstruct any aisle or stairway.

  21. Pianos shall not be moved from floors to platforms or from platform to floors except by regular piano movers at the expense of the organization using the building, and shall be returned to their original location. The organization using the building is responsible for the charges and the mover is to be selected by the School Department.

  22. It is agreed that the using organization will follow the rules and regulations pertaining to individual buildings which will be part of the permit furnished.

  23. The custodian shall make a report on any misuse of the building to the Principal of the school unit and to Facilities Management.

  24. No permit shall be issued to persons under 21 years of age.

  25. School facilities shall not be available for the use by outside organizations prior to one hour after the official close of school unless it is established that the activity will not interfere with regularly scheduled school activity. Final judgment is to be made by the School Department.

  26. The School Department can limit the numbers of people allowed in the building for a particular event.

  27. The City of Worcester and the School Department reserve the right to revoke any permit either before or during an event if circumstances arise which suggest the event will be different from the actual one proposed or that, in the opinion of the school supervisor, the activities and/or size of the event may become a threat to public health or public safety.

  28. Cancellation Policy: Forty-eight hours (two business days) notice is required.

IV. Payment Procedures

  1. All payments must be made in full by check or money order payable to the City of Worcester and received at least ten business days preceding the event date.

  2. All checks or money orders should be sent to the Business Office.

  3. All questions concerning building use permits should be directed to Facilities Management (telephone: (508) 799-3151)

License For The Use of Commerce Bank Field at Foley Stadium

  1. Administration has the authority to determine to whom use of the facility should be granted.

  2. Each and every request for a license will be judged on its individual merits and on the availability of the facilities requested. The decision would be reached after consultation between the Foley Stadium Advisory Board and the Administration.

  3. The School Administration will coordinate with the Law Department the wording of a formal contract containing all specifications necessary for a license to use Commerce Bank Field at Foley Stadium.

  4. Custodial services will be incorporated into the license fee. The number of custodians required to be on duty will depend upon the particular event.

  5. Please see the attached form for licensing fees.

  6. Police protection will be paid by the using organization. The number and type of police required will be agreed upon by the using organization per the recommendations and requirements of the Police Department.