Program of Studies
What is the Program of Studies?
The Program of Studies is a list of every course that is available in the Worcester Public Schools. The description of each course is intended to help students, particularly high school students, make decisions about which courses they would like to select.
How do I know which courses are offered at my school?
The courses listed in the Program of Studies do not indicate the school(s) in which those courses are offered. The reason is because schools may add or drop courses annually, depending on the needs of the school.
The course listings are categorized under "type" by elementary school ("ES"), middle school ("MS") or high school ("HS").
Schools will provide students with a list of courses that are available at their locations. Students are advised to use the Program of Studies on the website to look up detailed information about the courses to make their final decisions. Secondary (middle and high school) students are urged to read the information in the Program of Studies and discuss it with their parents or caregivers, teachers, and guidance counselors before finalizing their schedules each year.