Preschool Parent Handbook

Dear Parents,

Welcome to an adventure of boundless discovery and growth in Worcester Public Schools Preschool! The first day of school signals the beginning of new and exciting experiences for your child. Our Preschool teaching staff are committed to igniting your child's passion for learning through a diverse range of stimulating activities tailored to their unique abilities and interests.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher.  We believe that family engagement is key to a child's educational success, and we encourage you to join us as active partners in this journey.

We're excited to be a part of your child's educational journey, and we look forward to making their first learning experience with us both enriching and joyous.


The Worcester Public Schools early childhood programs strengthen, complement and extend experiences that begin at home. We offer families and teachers the opportunity to establish a relationship based on mutual confidence and respect. This partnership helps each to understand more clearly the behavior, growth and adjustments of the child. A home to school linkage will then contribute to a positive school experience.

We recognize that the young child grows and learns at their own rate in a safe, nurturing, developmentally appropriate environment. Our early childhood programs provide opportunities for socialization, creative activities and emotional, physical and cognitive development. Constructive play activities that are child-initiated and teacher-facilitated are the primary vehicles of meaningful learning experiences. Through a classroom that promotes the development of positive personal relationships and utilizes a variety of hands-on experiences, children gain confidence in their ability to explore, question, discover, solve problems, integrate knowledge, think critically and take risks. The Worcester Public Schools believe that quality early childhood education programs will ensure the healthy growth of a future generation and provide the foundation for lifelong learning.


"Family engagement is not a luxury; it is a critical factor in academic success and positive youth development. When families are involved in their children's education, students are more likely to succeed academically, attend school regularly, and graduate, setting them on the path toward a bright future."  ~ National PTA

The Worcester Public Schools Early Childhood program strengthens, complements, and extends experiences which begin in the home. Our program offers families and teachers the opportunity to establish a relationship based on mutual confidence and respect. By fostering a strong partnership between families and schools, we gain valuable insights into the child's academic, social and behavioral adjustment. This collaborative effort will significantly enhance the overall school experience, promoting a positive and supportive learning environment for the child.

Volunteer Opportunities

We encourage family members to become involved in their child's educational experience. Each school offers a variety of opportunities to help in the building and/or classroom. Contact your child's teacher or the building principal to find out how you can become involved. 

Some opportunities might be:

  • chaperoning a field trip

  • reading in the classroom

  • assisting with classroom projects or activities

  • sharing your cultural heritage, talent, and/or occupation

  • working at home on materials for the classroom 

  • participating in the Parent Teacher Association

  • serving as a member of the School Council

All Volunteers are required to complete a name-based criminal record check - CORI form, prior to volunteering. Forms can be obtained from the office staff at your child’s school. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete a CORI form as soon as possible, as it often takes some time to process these forms.


Open communication between home and school is vital for the well-being and success of your child. Preschool teachers send home notices and/or newsletters regularly. These communications will keep you informed of school and classroom needs and activities, ways you can help your child and opportunities for family involvement. Your classroom teacher may use a Communication folder, email or an app such as Parent Square to keep you updated on events and news. Please be sure to check these daily. 

ParentSquare is the two-way communications platform used by the Worcester Public Schools for items such as report cards, newsletters, snow day notifications, group chats, calendars, volunteer sign-ups and more. This platform provides instant translations in 100+ languages. We highly suggest all Worcester Public School families download the ParentSquare app and register an account to be able to both receive notifications from the school/district, and send messages directly to your child’s teacher and/or school. 

Finally, if your child encounters a significant event, no matter how large or small (just a rough morning getting up and dressed, or the loss of a loved one or pet),  please do not hesitate to inform your child's teacher promptly. Whether through a conversation, email, or a brief note, sharing this information allows us to provide the necessary support and understanding to help your child navigate through challenging times with care and compassion. Your partnership in keeping us informed ensures that your child receives the extra attention and support they may need during difficult moments.


The Worcester Public School Preschool curriculum is based on developmentally appropriate practices tailored to the unique needs, interests, and developmental stages of preschool age students. It is an interactive process that promotes learning through engaging, play-based activities and hands-on experiences.


The family will. . .

  • be recognized as the child's first teacher

  • work in partnership with the Early Childhood staff

  • encourage their children to become successful learners

The students will. . .

  • be treated with kindness and respect

  • be treated as individuals and encouraged to develop at their own rate

  • be encouraged to become independent and self-sufficient learners 

  • be exposed to various approaches for effective communication with one another

  • be responsible for themselves and their actions

The classroom will. . .

  • be child-centered with teacher-facilitated experiences derived from the children's interests and curiosities

  • be designed so that all children will experience success and feel comfortable, safe, secure and accepted by others

  • provide daily opportunities for experiential learning and play-based, hands-on activities


Your child will be dropped off and picked up at the designated preschool drop off and pick site set at your child’s school. 

In the case of an emergency which will delay you from picking your child up on time, the school must be notified immediately. 

Please notify your child's teacher in writing if your child is to be picked up by someone other than yourself. The notification must include the person’s name who is picking up your child, and ask them to bring a photo ID for the teacher or school staff to check. Be sure the name on the ID matches the name that is listed in the notification.  

If you wish to have your child dismissed early, please inform the teacher or the school office staff on the day of the early dismissal. You will then need to meet your child in the office for early dismissal.


It is important that your child attend school regularly to help establish the important role of being a learner. However, if your child is ill, it is best to keep him/her at home. Often a day or two of quiet and rest will help him/her recover quickly. When your child returns to school after being absent, please send the teacher a note explaining the reason for his/her absence.

When should I keep my child home from school?

Below is the full list of possible COVID symptoms for which caregivers should monitor their children before sending them to school:

Please STAY HOME and test for COVID (home test or PCR) if your child has the following:

  • Fever (100.0° Fahrenheit or higher), chills, or shaking chills

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Muscle aches or body aches


  • Cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough)

  • Sore throat when in combination with other symptoms

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea when in combination with other symptoms

  • Headache when in combination with other symptoms

  • Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms

  • Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies) when in combination with other symptoms

Other (non-COVID) reasons to stay home:

  • A diagnosis of flu (influenza) with fever. Your child can return to school once they have no fever for 24 hours without the use of tylenol or ibuprofen

  • A diagnosis of strep throat. Your child should remain at home until they have no fever for 24 hours, and at least 12 hours after starting antibiotics

  • If your child has vomited during the previous night or in the morning

  • If your child has diarrhea during the previous night or in the morning

  • If your child has a moist productive cough, chest congestion or thick nasal drainage

  • If your child has a red or swollen eye that itches and has a yellow drainage, until your child is under treatment

  • If your child has live head lice, until they have been treated

  • Please contact the school nurse if your child has a contagious infection such as COVID-19, strep or flu, head lice, chicken pox, pink-eye, ringworm, impetigo or scabies

Can my child return to school? 

Is your child positive for COVID-19?

  • Has your child had a fever of 100.0 degrees or more in the past 24 hours?

  • Has your child had acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) in the past 24 hours?

If you answered NO to all 3 questions above, your child can return to school.

If you answered YES to any of these questions above, your child CAN NOT return to school. 

If your child is COVID positive - your child must stay home according to the latest

guidelines. Please contact your school nurse directly for guidance on a return to school date.

How else can I keep my child healthy?

  • Vaccinate: Make sure that everybody in your family is up to date with their flu and Covid vaccines. These vaccines are safe and make a difference!

  • Hand Wash: Practice good hand-washing with soap and water, or use of hand sanitizer frequently

  •  Cough Etiquette:

    • Remind your child to cover their nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, or cough and sneeze into their elbows

  • Masking is no longer required outside the health offices. However, please consider having your child wear a mask in school if they have a cough or other respiratory symptoms. 


A typical day in preschool includes: opportunities to learn and discover in learning centers, circle or meeting times, social mealtimes, indoor and outdoor physical activities, music and art experiences.

Breakfast and/or Lunch

Breakfast and/or lunch is available at no cost in all of our schools. Additional information will be forwarded to you during the first week of school.

Nutritional Foods

Good nutrition will be emphasized in the classroom. We ask you to reinforce this by sending healthy snacks/lunches with your child. Your child's teacher will be happy to offer suggestions.


Please. . .

  • label your child's belongings (e.g., clothing, lunchbox, backpack. . . to avoid confusion)

  • dress your child in comfortable play clothes which allows them to participate in a variety of active learning experiences

  • send in a complete change of clothing in a labeled plastic bag

Toys from Home

Bringing toys from home is discouraged. Many age-appropriate learning materials are available in the classrooms. 

All Visitors Must Report to the Office!

For the safety of all our children, visitors to the school (including parents) must stop at the office and sign the guest book.

Getting Ready for the First Day

The following activities will help you and your child make a smooth transition from home to school;

  • Visit your child's school and classroom with your child.

  • Take your child for a walk or ride by his/her school several times during the summer.

  • Be positive about school and all the new things your child will be learning.

  • Discuss some of the new activities or experiences your child can look forward to:

    • meeting new friends

    • painting, block building, cooking, singing, story time, snack 

    • sharing toys and games with other children

    • reading many new books, poems and chants with the teacher

    • bringing his/her snack, lunch and personal belongings in a new backpack or school bag

    • sharing all the exciting new things they are learning in school

Each day. . .

  • start the day with your child and make the routine of getting ready for school a happy one

  • provide or make arrangements for nutritious snacks and meals

  • encourage your child to talk about their day

  • reinforce pride in your child's projects/activities by posting them in a special place in your home

  • praise and encourage your child

  • read to your child at least 20 minutes a day

  • model reading and writing activities i.e., read the newspaper, books, magazines and write notes, shopping lists, letters

  • discuss with your child the importance of sharing, friendship and good behavior

  • start and end your child's day with a big smile, hug and kiss

Transition to Kindergarten

All pre-k students are automatically enrolled at their home school for kindergarten, even if they attended preschool at a different location.  If a family wishes for their child to attend kindergarten in their current school (and that is not their home school), families must request special permission from school administration to remain at that school for Kindergarten.

If you wish for your child to transfer to a different school for kindergarten (that is not your home school, nor the school in which your child attended preschool), you must submit an application for a Voluntary Transfer through the Worcester Public School’s website or at the Parent Information Center, located at 768 Main Street.

Kindergarten registration begins in January. It is to your child's advantage that you register before April, allowing you ample time to visit and be able to attend the Early Childhood Open House held in June, and to become familiar with the school, classroom and staff.