A boy plays with toys with his mother on a play carpet.

Family and Community Engagement

Welcome to the Office of Family and Community Engagement!

As a cornerstone of the WPS School District, serving under 25,000 students in our vibrant urban community, we are dedicated to ensuring that families and the community are integral partners in the success of our students.

At the heart of our work lie the values of inclusivity and equity, driving us to create a supportive and collaborative environment where every voice is valued, and every individual can thrive.

Through the FACE office, we strive to foster meaningful connections, provide vital resources, and empower all community members to participate actively in our students' educational journey. We invite you to explore our website, engage with our initiatives, and join us in our mission to create a brighter future for all.

Parent Advisory Councils

Our Mission & Goals

The Worcester Public Schools (WPS) envisions an authentic partnership between families, schools, and the community in which collaborative initiatives ensure students' academic success and social-emotional well-being.

Our guiding principals are as follows:

  • Family, schools and community engagement is essential

  • Family, schools and community engagement must be inclusive and accessible

  • Families' diversity is celebrated

  • Families and community are valued partners to WPS

If WPS creates a welcoming, inclusive and accessible environment where diversity is celebrated and families and community are valued as essential partners, WPS will create authentic family and community partnerships to ensure scholars thrive academically, socially and emotionally.

Families, Schools and Communities are responsible for preparing our scholars for success. A student's academic performance and social-emotional well-being depends on intentional and collaborative partnership between the three.

Family & Community Engagement Framework

Our goals serve as guiding principals to achieve this collaborative partnership between Families, Schools and Communities. Our goals are as follows:

Strategic Plan: Family & Community Engagement Promises

This Office Oversees


Erin Derr

“Support from the Office of Family and Community Engagement has enabled the City View team to form relationships with the families and engage them at a deeper level. They’ve created connections between our school, the district, community agencies, and the families we support.”

Erin Derr

Principal, City View Elementary School

Joselyn Suero

“I believe the Family and Community Engagement Roundtable meetings are crucial as they help extend the relationship between families and schools. I feel like my voice has been heard and I’ve been able to provide my perspectives.”

Joselyn Suero

WPS Parent

Sarah Belisea

“I’m incredibly grateful to be a small part of the important work this office does in our city. We conduct home visits, support attendance efforts, do student check-ins, hold group meetings, coordinate events and fundraisers, and provide many hours of building based support in our school buildings. Wraparound Coordinators across the district are in constant collaboration, supporting one another, and we feel supported by our leaders.”

Sarah Belisea

Wraparound Coordinator, Parent Information Center

Joselyn Suero

“Parent voices are powerful in the lives of children. Having an office that we can count on is essential. As a member of the Family and Community Engagement Roundtable, I’ve seen the administration make it a priority to hear from parents and allow their opinions to be part of decision making. I honestly feel like our voices are heard and valued.”

Sandra Lozko

WPS Parent

Anne Bureau

"The Office of Family and Community Engagement is a crucial investment. WPS has done a tremendous job addressing the needs of local families. They have built an incredible and needed team of support around children to ensure they thrive in school."

Anne Bureau

Executive Director, Worcester Community Connections Coalition

Family & Community Engagement Staff

For general inquiries, please email Lisa Noe-Higgins, Office Clerk, or call 508-799-3415.

Deborah Gonzalez

Déborah González, EdD

Co-Director of Family & Community Engagement

20 Irving Street
Worcester, MA 01609
508-799-3115 x62335

Email Déborah González

Casey Starr

Casey Starr

Co-Director of Family & Community Engagement

20 Irving Street
Worcester, MA 01609
508-799-3115 x62334

Email Casey Starr