Key Priority: Health and Wellness
Priority Statement
Worcester Public Schools is committed to prioritizing equitable services and programs that focus on the mental and physical health and wellness of staff, students, and caregivers within our educational community.
Aim 1
Build a systematic health and wellness approach to authentically engage historically underserved scholars.
Goal 1
By the end of the 2027-28 school year, schools will implement a comprehensive and evidence-based K-12 counseling model.
Key Performance Indicator 1.1: Number of schools providing evidence-based counseling services.
Goal 2
By the end of the 2027-28 school year, historically underserved scholars will have access to counseling services.
Key Performance Indicator 2.1: Number of wellness services available.
Key Performance Indicator 2.2: Number of students reporting a positive sense of belonging.
Aim 2
Strengthen the impact of wellness opportunities for scholars, staff, and caregivers by decreasing systemic and institutional barriers.
Goal 3
By the end of the 2027-28 school year, schools will fully implement the WPS Health and Wellness Roadmap to ensure all scholars, staff, and caregivers have access to high-quality wellness opportunities.
Key Performance Indicator 3.1: Number of physical health opportunities available for scholars, staff, and caregivers.
Key Performance Indicator 3.2: Number of social emotional services provided for scholars, staff, and caregivers.
Key Performance Indicator 3.3: Number of wellness opportunities for scholars, staff, and caregivers.
Goal 4
By the end of the 2027-28 school year, increase spaces that promote health and wellness through working with community partnerships.
Key Performance Indicator 4.1: Number of out-of-school time opportunities offered.
Key Performance Indicator 4.2: Number of engaged community partnerships.

A South High Community School volleyball player in the fall of 2023. (Photo by Laraine Weschler.)