Transition Program


Please note that students ages 18-22 are referred to the Transition Program from the WPS Special Education Department.

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Brenda Diggs, Coordinator, or call 508-799-3098.

Transition Program Mission Statement

The Transition Program is designed to prepare students with disabilities for adult life, as life- long learners and productive community members.

Students ages 18- 22 are provided the opportunity to learn and grow through community learning experiences, travel training, internships, and functional academics based on their needs, interests and vision for their future.

The Transition Program staff assist students and their families in connecting to community agencies/resources, and adult funding sources prior to the student leaving the Worcester Public Schools in order to have a more seamless transition to adult life in the community.

Transition Program Overview

The Worcester Public Schools' Transitions Program supports students with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 18 and 22 years old. The Transitions Program includes not just students with intellectual disabilities but many other students with disabilities who have been identified by teachers, families, outside agencies, and administrators as meeting the entrance criteria, and needing additional transition supports to achieve their post-secondary goals.

Students have the opportunity to participate in internships, employment, college or adult education courses, travel training, independent living training, and community learning experiences. The program is held at the WPS Fanning Adult Learning Center and/or Assumption College.

Additional Services

The Transitions Program also provides:

  • Training and consultation to families, students, and middle and high school personnel, and other school districts on transition related topics for all students with disabilities (including those on the diploma track).

  • Monthly Interagency Student Support Team meetings whose focus is on individual student transition needs, as well as systemic approaches to transition, ensuring that students experience a seamless transition from school to post-secondary life.  Members of this team include the Department of Developmental Services, the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, Center for Living and Working, Workforce Central, and at times students and staff, and guest presenters.


Transition Specialist

A Transition Specialist (teacher-level position) plans, coordinates and delivers a wide range of vocational rehabilitation services to students with disabilities. 

The Transition Specialist assists students in developing prevocational and/or readiness skills in order to enter the workforce, as well as completing formal and informal vocational or transition assessments. 

Transition Rehabilitation Specialist

A Transition Rehabilitation Specialist (teacher-level position) is responsible for:

  • creating a progression of vocational opportunities for students

  • cultivating community resources to increase integration and student independence in community based-work and recreation settings

  • develops and teaches classes/workshops that support the transition needs of the students.

Transition Assistant

A Transition Assistant (Paraeducator; educational and/or job coach) provides quality transition services in community and school settings to students with disabilities. This position works under the direction of the Transition Specialist and assists with record keeping, safety monitoring, and skills checklists.

Consideration for Community Based Transition Program for Non-Diploma Students

  1. Student has been deemed eligible for special education services.

  2. The Team has determined the student could benefit from a full time community based transition program model.

  3. Student has completed their 4 years of high school, completed MCAS Alt portfolio, and earned their Certificate of Attainment.

  4. ETC has submitted a completed referral packet with current IEP, Student Snapshot, most recent Psychological Evaluation, Medical History, all other pertinent assessments.

  5. Student and/or guardian are supportive of student participation in the program.

  6. Student has demonstrated the ability to tolerate a full time flexible community based day.

  7. Student has demonstrated the interest and ability to benefit from a program with a focus on community learning experiences and community learning activities related to the pre-employment related experiences.

  8. Student has demonstrated the ability to attend to task for at least 10 minutes with verbal prompts.

  9. Student has demonstrated the ability to benefit from a varying ratio of 1:3 to 1:5 in the community, unless prior arrangements have been documented within in the IEP.

  10. Students level of personal care needs can be supported in a community based program safely requiring verbal prompts and/or monitoring, unless prior arrangements have been documented within the IEP.

  11. Students need for medical supports in a community based program can be met safely based on medical and programmatic review.

  12. Student has demonstrated the stamina and ability to safely ambulate over distances of at least 6 blocks.

  13. Student has demonstrated the ability to adhere to school policies and procedures outlined in the Worcester Public Schools Policy Handbook including:

    • Student demonstrates safe and appropriate community behavior with verbal support from staff.

    • Student has demonstrated the capacity to function emotionally, physically, socially, safely with minimal verbal supports in a variety of community settings.

    • Student has no history of disciplinary actions in the high school setting.

    • Student has demonstrated good attendance throughout their high school years.