Transition Program
Consideration for Community Based Transition Program for Non-Diploma Students
Student has been deemed eligible for special education services.
The Team has determined the student could benefit from a full time community based transition program model.
Student has completed their 4 years of high school, completed MCAS Alt portfolio, and earned their Certificate of Attainment.
ETC has submitted a completed referral packet with current IEP, Student Snapshot, most recent Psychological Evaluation, Medical History, all other pertinent assessments.
Student and/or guardian are supportive of student participation in the program.
Student has demonstrated the ability to tolerate a full time flexible community based day.
Student has demonstrated the interest and ability to benefit from a program with a focus on community learning experiences and community learning activities related to the pre-employment related experiences.
Student has demonstrated the ability to attend to task for at least 10 minutes with verbal prompts.
Student has demonstrated the ability to benefit from a varying ratio of 1:3 to 1:5 in the community, unless prior arrangements have been documented within in the IEP.
Students level of personal care needs can be supported in a community based program safely requiring verbal prompts and/or monitoring, unless prior arrangements have been documented within the IEP.
Students need for medical supports in a community based program can be met safely based on medical and programmatic review.
Student has demonstrated the stamina and ability to safely ambulate over distances of at least 6 blocks.
Student has demonstrated the ability to adhere to school policies and procedures outlined in the Worcester Public Schools Policy Handbook including:
Student demonstrates safe and appropriate community behavior with verbal support from staff.
Student has demonstrated the capacity to function emotionally, physically, socially, safely with minimal verbal supports in a variety of community settings.
Student has no history of disciplinary actions in the high school setting.
Student has demonstrated good attendance throughout their high school years.