Transitional Life Skills
Please call the Special Education Department at 508-799-3055.
Transitional Life skills programs are designed for those students whose primary disability is Intellectual Impairment or Developmental Delay.
Students typically have challenges with spontaneous use of their thinking and communication skills, social/interpersonal skills, adaptive behavior skills, community skills, and academic skills that impact the ability to learn and make effective progress in the regular education classroom.
Students appropriate for this level of support require individualized instruction in small class settings.
Transitional Life skills programs provide activities and materials that are developmental and multisensory in nature; include hands-on manipulatives and lessons guided by the Curriculum Frameworks learning standards.
Students are taught skills and strategies to increase self-help skills, communication skills, social skills, and academic skills needed to prepare them for success within the school and community settings.
These students are included with their typical peers as determined by their IEP and may attend inclusion classrooms for portions of the school day.
These students may require related services of (i.e. Speech and Language, P.T., O.T., Vision, and Adapted Physical Education) in order to access the curriculum.
Consideration for Transitional Life Skills
Students appropriate for this classroom present with below average general intellectual functioning that is accompanied by limitations in adaptive functioning in 2 or more of the following skill areas:
Academic skills
Social/interpersonal skills
Community skills
Population Served
If you suspect that your child needs a transitional life skills program, ask your child’s teacher or school administrator about how to initiate the screening process.
Teacher of Moderate Disability
A Teacher of Moderate Disability provides high-quality instructional experiences for students with moderate disabilities through creativity, resourcefulness, and sound judgment consistent with the curriculum frameworks, standards, and the rules and regulations of the Worcester Public Schools.
Students are taught compensatory strategies using multi-sensory techniques to enable them to reach their full potential as members of the community.
A Paraeducator supports the instruction of all students by reinforcing lessons with individual students and small groups of students. Tasks and duties are assigned and directed by the classroom teacher and other professional staff.
Certified Nursing Assistant
Certified Nursing Assistants provide direct student care and student care related activities including but not limited to:
personal care
activities of daily living (ADLs)
assisting with educational activities
other skills required to meet individual student plan of care and learning objectives.
Tasks and duties are assigned and directed by a Registered Nurse (RN) and classroom teacher. CNAs/MAs may be assigned to one or more students to meet the needs of students throughout the district.