A young woman with her hands in the air while wearing a graduation cap and gown

Vision of a Learner

The Vision of a Learner (VOL) was established as a tangible demonstration of our unwavering commitment to endowing the students in our school district with future-ready skills, which they will employ to serve the community.

The plan we have put in place is intended to serve as a roadmap for our collective efforts to create a school district in which every student is equipped to visualize and create their own future.

The VOL framework is the result of extensive input from stakeholders from 2019-2023. It comprises a comprehensive set of skills and character traits, as well as a progression of learning milestones and "I can" statements for each grade level.

The implementation plan encompasses various stages as we endeavor to overhaul our systems, curriculum, instruction, and resources, all in service of realizing our vision.

 From here, anywhere...Together!

Rachel H. Monárrez, Ph.D.

Worcester Public Schools

Rachel Monárrez

Superintendent Rachel H. Monárrez, PhD

Español (Spanish)

El hablante de este vídeo es un avatar de inteligencia artificial. Los niños en las fotos son estudiantes de las Escuelas Públicas de Worcester.

Português (Portuguese)

O palestrante deste vídeo é um avatar de inteligência artificial. As crianças nas fotos são estudantes das Escolas Públicas de Worcester.


The speaker in this video is an artificial intelligence avatar. The children in the photos are Worcester Public Schools students.

پښتو (Pashto)

په دې ویډیو کې سپیکر د مصنوعي استخباراتو اوتار دی. په عکسونو کې ماشومان د Worcester Public Schools زده کوونکي دي.

What Is Vision of a Learner?

All Worcester Public School students will be empowered to lead a meaningful and purposeful life. Our scholars will leverage a broad set of multi-literate skills to graduate as Problem Solvers, Curious Learners, Empowered Individuals, Effective Communicators, and Engaged Community Members.

A list of the Vision of a Learner indicators. The text is on this page.

Problem Solver

Scholars who are methodical in their approach to overcoming obstacles and who reflect on what they learn from the experience to apply it to new situations.

Curious Learner

Scholars who find joy in learning more about themselves and the world around them. They actively seek opportunities to discover, explore and to better understand their interests while reflecting on what they learn for self-growth and improvement.

Empowered Individual

Scholars who feel confident in their ability to navigate a complex world while achieving their goals. They possess the skills to approach life’s challenging moments in a healthy manner and have the self-awareness to learn from these experiences in a way that better prepares them for the next challenge.

Effective Communicator

Scholars who convey their ideas in a clear manner to a variety of audiences across settings. They engage in productive dialogue with others, potentially with different points of view, towards a resolution or common goal.

Engaged Community Member

Scholars who participate in the democratic process and are engaged in the betterment of their communities. They are informed and act on that information to advocate for themselves and others of different social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Three young girls in a classroom