A boy holding a soccer ball and giving a thumbs up

Health and Wellness Roadmap

Worcester Public Schools created the 2023-2026 Health and Wellness Roadmap using the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model framework to provide a teaching and learning environment that ensures every scholar is emotionally and physically healthy, safe, actively engaged, supported, and challenged.

Leadership Message

In Worcester Public Schools (WPS), we strive to provide a teaching and learning environment that ensures all scholars are emotionally and physically healthy, safe, actively engaged, supported, and challenged.

This WPS Health and Wellness Roadmap was created using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’s (ASCD) Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child approach (WSCC). Our purpose in developing the WPS Health and Wellness Roadmap is to afford our youth with the knowledge and skills they need to become healthy and thriving adults while providing school staff the guidance to assess, streamline, execute, and continuously improve processes, procedures, and practices all on behalf of our scholars.

A special thank you to our dedicated Worcester Public Schools’ staff, and community partners who made up the 10 health and wellness subcommittees as well as the Executive Task Force for steering this powerful work. Your time, efforts, and contributions to our 2023-2026 Health and Wellness Roadmap are immensely appreciated. This project could not have been accomplished without your hard work and dedication. On behalf of our entire school community we thank you!

Join us on our journey to excellence.

Rachel H. Monárrez, PhD

Health and Wellness Roadmap