Graphic promoting the Hazard Mitigation Plan survey, featuring the City of Worcester logo

Dear Worcester Public Schools Community,

Has your home ever flooded during a storm? Have you lost power during a blizzard? Do you find it challenging to prepare or stay safe during extreme weather?

Share your thoughts and experience by filling out this short and anonymous survey.

Your feedback will be used for future projects aimed at reducing the risk these natural events pose to our community.

This feedback will inform the 2025-2030 Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Take the survey today.

If you want to learn more about Hazard Mitigation please join us in person:

  • WRTA - 42 Quinsigamond Ave

  • Wednesday, January 29 at 6:00 p.m.

  • Food will be provided

Thank you for helping make Worcester a safer and more resilient community!