Title IX Grievance Procedure


The Title IX Grievance Process ensures a fair and impartial resolution of complaints related to sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence.

This process, initiated by filing a formal complaint via the district’s reporting system, involves a structured investigation at either the school or district level. Key steps include reporting, interviewing, evidence collection, and implementing interim measures.

A thorough investigation concludes with a detailed report and a potential live hearing for cases involving staff members, where both parties can present their case and cross-examine witnesses.

Sanctions for confirmed violations are determined based on the severity of the misconduct and can range from warnings to termination for staff, and suspension to expulsion for students.

Both complainants and respondents have the right to appeal the findings or sanctions based on procedural errors, new evidence, or inappropriate sanctions.

This comprehensive process ensures compliance with federal regulations, maintaining a safe and respectful educational environment.

A diagram of the Title IX Grievance Procedure. (Outlined in readable format on this page.)

A diagram outlining the Title IX Grievance Process.

Step 1: Formal Complaint Issued

The Title IX Grievance Process begins when an individual files a formal complaint regarding sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence. This complaint should be submitted using the district’s designated reporting system, specifically designed for Title IX issues. The formal complaint can cover incidents of sexual harassment, gender and/or sex-based discrimination, sexual assault, gender identity and/or expression, or other gender and/or sex-based inequities, ensuring they are addressed in compliance with Title IX regulations.

The complainant can access the district's electronic WPS Discrimination, Harassment & Title IX Complaint Reporting Form. Filing this formal complaint triggers a structured investigation and response, tailored to provide a fair and impartial process for resolving allegations and ensuring the rights and safety of all involved parties are protected.

Step 2: Parties Notified

All parties involved are notified.

Step 3: Investigation

A thorough investigation is conducted to gather facts and evidence regarding reported discrimination or Title IX violations. This process includes various steps to ensure a comprehensive and fair examination of the incident. The investigation can be conducted at either the school level or the district level, depending on the nature and scope of the complaint.

Step 4: Investigation Report

Once all interviews and evidence collection are completed, a preliminary report is produced.

Before a decision can be made on responsibility, the decision-makers—the principal at the school level and the assistant superintendent for personnel engagement and equity at the district level—must afford each party the opportunity to submit written, relevant questions to be asked of any party or witness. The answers are provided to both parties, who are then allowed to ask limited follow-up questions.

Questions about the complainant's sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are generally not relevant, except to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the alleged conduct, or to prove consent if the prior sexual behavior was with the respondent. The decision-makers must explain any decision to exclude a question as not relevant. From this preliminary report, the decision-makers determine whether the respondent is responsible or not responsible.

Notification of Findings: Once all reviews are complete, the finalized decisions regarding the responsibility of the respondent are submitted to all parties involved. Both the respondent and the complainant are notified of the findings both verbally and in writing.

For more information please review federal regulations here 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(6)(ii) a 

If Found Responsible: Sanctions

When a Title IX investigation concludes, and a faculty, staff member, or student is found responsible for misconduct, appropriate sanctions are determined to address the violation. Sanctioning aims to address the behavior and maintain a safe and respectful environment within the school community. The sanctioning process varies based on whether the individual is a faculty/staff member or a student.

Appeal Process

The Title IX grievance process allows both the complainant and the respondent in a Title IX investigation to challenge the findings or sanctions imposed. Appeals can be submitted if there are grounds based on procedural errors, new evidence, or concerns about the appropriateness of the sanctions. The specific processes for students and faculty/staff are outlined below.