A young girl in a pink shirt dances in front of a stage.

The inaugural Worcester Public Schools Gathering for Excellence was held Tuesday, January 30, at Worcester Technical High School, where there were numerous student performances and a panel discussion about the new strategic plan. Watch the video of the event on YouTube. View event photos on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Titled, “Our Promise to the Future,” the WPS strategic plan outlines five aims for which the district will focus over the next five years, which are:

  • Equitable Resources and Educational Programs

  • Family and Community Engagement

  • Culture and Climate

  • Acquire and Retain Talent

  • Modernized and Safe Facilities

  • Health and Wellness

A woman gestures toward a projector screen.

Mayor Joseph Petty and Superintendent Rachel Monárrez provided remarks prior to the panel discussion. Dr. Monárrez gave a presentation on what it means for scholars to be “future ready,” and prepare for a world that will look much different in the near future with rapid advances in technology.

The Gathering featured student performances from the Burncoat Spirit Team, South High Community School Drum Line, and dance and musical performances from students at Chandler Elementary School and Worcester Arts Magnet School.

At the end of the event, audience members were asked to answer two questions via a QR code through ThoughtExchange. You can also answer those questions here:

1. After listening to this presentation, what has resonated with you and what questions do you still have?

2. In regard to this presentation, what evidence can you share that you have already experienced?

A woman speaks into a mic during a forum.A large group of students all hold their hands in the sky during a performance.